PorscheFans Mailing List Archive
The PorschePhiles mailing list was active from sometime in the late ’80s through 1996 when it was replaced by PorscheFans. PorscheFans lasted for about 2 years before being superseded by PorscheList (now called RennList) in May 1998. Using the search engine here you can still search all the old PorscheFans and PorschePhiles message archives.
On April 22, 1998 the PorscheFans listmaster disabled access to the list digests on www.porschefans.com. Thus searches you do here will only find messages sent before that date. I have all messages sent between April 22, 1998 and when PorscheFans was superseded by PorscheList (now RennList) (May 25, 1998) and will be adding them to the archives soon
March, 1999 - PorscheList has been renamed RennList due to trademark issues. Go to http://www.rennlist.org now!
May 29, 1998 - Before PorscheList, and before PorscheFans, there was PorschePhiles. Never before have the PorschePhiles archives been available online in a searchable form. But they are available here, now! Simply choose “PorschePhiles” as the list you want to search in on the query page. For more history click here.
May 25, 1998 - There’s a new List Server in town! A group of dedicated Porsche enthusiasts have created a high-quality replacement for PorscheFans and it’s called Rennlist (originally PorscheList). Go to http://www.rennlist.org to find out more and to subscribe. The old PorscheFans archives are still available here for your searching pleasure.
Update: February 7, 2025
I’m working on re-adding the PorscheFans and PorschePhiles archives to the site.
If you would like me to do this, please send a message letting me know.
The below is a test of the archive functionality… it is not really working.